Television Ad Impressions For Entertainment-Based Learning Methods in English Language Learning Materials

A. Rationale Language is one of the materials that should be occupied by habituation methods. That is, those who learn (learner), it makes the language as part of an ever-present in daily life, ie as a means of communication every day, at least the part that almost never negligent in his daily activities and must be repeated. Like the English language, learning also needs to be done with habituation, not incidental or instant, but over and over again, straight practiced in everyday life as well as textually well studied by studying the materials especially contextually to learn to optimize hearing senses, senses see, and talk. On the phenomenon of people learning Packages in group B study Mansy'ul Ma'Arif Catakgayam Mojowarno Jombang and certainly in other belajr groups, textual learning methods have been far from sufficient amounts to be able to speak English bagging science, given the number of hours of face-to-face in the classroom with tutor still not facilitate them to recognize and know a lot of minimum standards to be fluent in English both oral and written. Especially for those people who during the conventional learning in elementary school or MI or equivalent is generally not obtained in English, would be much more difficult than the equivalent group of learners who already know English at school level before. In addition, they generally run out of time to earn a living and activities or help their parents work or indeed the type of those who are less concerned (Care) with learning in group learning. We know that the needs of the learners to study learning materials in the group over the provision how they can solve the problems in the community, what they learn will be met in the community, not only learning materials that have been printed in the module- their learning modules, but they should understand the dynamics of the way of life requires understanding the science, such as the dynamics in language usage, many terms and words in English, so that needs to be given learning materials are present. This phenomenon must be able to immediately find a way out (problem solving) so that people learn package B actually received English lessons holistically or at least close to it Therefore, learning methods offer a cheap and effective attempt offered in this paper, the use of media ad impressions as a friend to learn English
B. Identify the Problem Exposure on the use of television commercials and media as a method of learning is an effective and inexpensive identification will bepedoman on the following issues. 1. Why impressions Television advertising can be a method of media as well as effective learning and teaching materials present in the English language? 2. What should be done to WB English tutor so that the commercials on television and media is able to be an effective method of learning English? 3. What benefits can be expected from the WB television advertising on the observation of the results of their study?
C. Destination 1. General Purpose The purpose of this paper is: a. As an offer to be an innovative learning methods and media and effective English learning materials that present both by tutors and carried out by the WB b. WB in order to invoke the B Packet learning fun, not boring, does not have to require a specific time or time to learn the English language. 2. Special Purpose The purpose of writing this paper in particular are: a. Package B field in order to tutor English can make everything around him including the television commercials and the media can be an effective learning methods and innovative, so that this paper can enrich and expand the scientific wawasaan academic tutor and WB. b. The papers are expected to yield practical benefits. That television commercials can be a friend to learn English effective and inexpensive in learning listening (listening), add vocabulary (vocabulary) and learn to pronounce words (pronunciation) or short dialogues, as well as trying to translate it in a way to guess from the scenes shown on television so residents learn to follow the dynamics of the knowledge of the show.
D. Scope English language is one way of learning material that learn through pembiasaan.Di it discusses various competencies such as listening (listening), speaking (speaking), reading (reading), and writing (writing). Obviously, it is necessary to learn the proper method, so that the competencies can be mastered very well. With these considerations in this paper will explain the method of learning by using television commercials in the form of the arguments in favor of that television commercials deserve to be an effective alternative learning resources in learning English In this discussion will be shown and described images and text ad impressions to support English language learning effective and inexpensive and easy to implement. End of discussion this paper will mention the benefits of pembelajarn taken from television commercials to facilitate English language learning activities.
E. Term Limits Leaner: Student (Shadily Hasan, 2000:352) Listening One basic competence in listening skills (curriculum 2004 Package B) Speaking: One of the basic competence in speaking skills (curriculum 2004 Package B) Writing: One of the basic competency in writing skills (curriculum 2004 Package B) Reading: One of the basic competencies in reading skills (curriculum 2004 Package B) Prounounciation: How to pronounce (Shadily Hasan, 2000:451) Vocabulary: vocabulary (Shadily Hasan, 2000:631)

A. Potential Television Advertising and Media For Learning Methods
Stated in his book Practical Method Based Learning Multiple Intelligences that: extensive opportunities to read, write and speak individually have a positive impact on achievement and tends to be done in free time activities (Linda Campbell, 2004:14). Can we look at that in general what is often done when the community members, including residents have the spare time to learn one of them is menonoton television. Television is a medium of entertainment and information that was never out of our daily lives. Almost every society has had the electronic equipment. Just how they use it. Community members benefit from the television show with a variety of responses. Some are used as a medium of entertainment, information, and even educational, didactic either positively or negatively otherwise educate the audience destructive mindset. Surely, as a human being educators, tutors and teachers equality in formal education can take advantage of this television services as material to create and acquire media and learning methods in order to support the learning process interesting and fun both in its delivery by a tutor or teacher or the revenue by the learners. One of the television shows that can be used as a medium and an effective method of learning is on the commercials. Although there are a few things from the show that do not educate, such as the use of clothes that are too low, vulgar action, words that undermine the nation's culture and so on, but some of the views that we can take it as the use of the material for educational purposes Language in particular. Therefore, the authors tried to use the English language presentation of the material in the scope of work the author. Although the number of impressions are not everything can solve problems learning English, at least it can be used as a method of learning that does not require special time and some money, it takes only a foresight to take advantage of ad impressions in improving the understanding of learning the English language.
It would be more beneficial to the learners package B in particular, given their time to learn specifically influenced by their economic activity, because the absorption of minimal subjects and their interest in subjects lacking. Thus, an alternative way of learning is needed on the types of people learn that way.
B. Characteristics broadcast of Television Advertising
There are some character traits commercials or television is the cause serve as media and learning methods, namely: 1. Television ads aired repeatedly, this means that there is potential to be used as media memorization of what is presented on television. In terms of English language there are some things that can be transferred from the impressions of competence weeks to help learn on (1) listening, and (2) speaking the television commercials that show activity with the use of oral English. (3). Writing and (4) reading the English-language ad that aired in the form of writing also includes material (5) pronunciation, how to pronounce the words presented in the form of advertisements oral expression, (6) (vocabulary), vocabulary, presented loop daalm ungkapn written or oral form, and (7) translation that translates English-language television broadcast by guessing the scene and creatives who have served in the form of audio-visual. 2. In fact broadcast television advertising is not only national but also speak a foreign language such as English is the language of learning materials in schools be formal or informal and non-formal, so even if he does not go daam curriculum list, through the help people learn to do the habituation the way of learning English. 3. The material displayed on television advertising is quite short, both oral and written form of expression that is not boring for the audience, in contrast to broadcast a film series of different kinds of events that led to viewers who know little English will be a lot of blackmail mind. Because brevity may also be an obstacle to watch the show, but we need to remember that ad impressions delivered over and over again, so learn how to more easily and quickly memorized. 4. Aired television commercials between shows that are being watched by the audience (the learners), so it does not require its own time, can be made between the activities of watching television.
C. Forms of Television Advertising Forum Disseminated as Learning Methods and Media 1. Ads that display of verbal expressions or words in English 2. Ads that aired in writing of the phrase or words in English 3. Ads that aired in oral and written expression or word from English-speaking Globally following examples of television commercials that contribute to the learning of English

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2


Figure 2.3

Figure 2.4


Figure 2.5


Figure 2.6



Figure 2.7

Figure 2.8



Figure 2.9

Figure 2.10


Figure 2.11

Figure 2.12


Figure 2.13 Figure 2.14


A. Implementation Mechanism Learning Method There are several steps done tutor are: 1. Observations of television commercials At this stage the tutor evaluates television ad impressions to be recorded in the VCD. (As included in this work), which contains advertisements using English both orally and in writing. 2. Specifies the number of advertisements for use as a method of learning basic competencies different. In this case determined two ads. 3. The ads presented to the participants during hours of face-to-face. 4. tutors evaluate the lessons learned by providing practice questions that had been prepared earlier tutor both orally and in writing 5. On the next day learning activities tutor assign enough people learn to observe 2 material aired television ads that have been determined by the tutor. 6. Tutor will evaluate the results of the observations people learn at home a week later, or depending on the ability of citizens to learn, or depending on the needs of the division of materials appropriate to the curriculum.
B. Target Learning Methods Of Execution The goal of the implementation of this entertainment-based learning methods are residents learned Package B Mansya'ul Ma'Arif who currently resides in the eighth grade.
C. Aspects of Skill / Competency Standards Aspects of skill / competency standards that are used are all basic language competency is competency hearing, speaking, reading and writing, but basically at this method to support the competence to hear and speak ..
D. Sources, Tools, and Learning Media Learning resources of this method is the television itself and the books that are relevant to this method as a source of support. So is the media of this method is the television itself.
E. Place of Execution Place this implementation is divided into two, namely: 1. Classrooms have televisions and CD players for ad impressions that have been adopted from direct advertising. 2. Homes or places where people learn to learn to see the television, as their place to implement this method and the task of the tutor.
F. Time Frame The timing of the first activities carried out in the classroom when teaching English, to explain about this method.
The next activity is done at home and at school on a regular basis as mentioned in the above implementation mechanism.
G. Schedule of Events Schedule of events is divided into two forms, namely: 1. Activities that have been scheduled as the learning that is already running, ie at the time of English language learning in the classroom. Activity schedule on the next page. 2. Activities conducted in each residence Waga learning, with scheduling activities in their homes (eg the schedule on the following page). In formulating a schedule of activities at the home remain attentive to the needs and conditions of estate residents to learn, that is, the tutor gives a schedule based on the results of consultation with residents to learn, so that they can study at home with a sense of pleasure, without coercion from totur. It needs to be prepared to learn at home is to be mentioned in the table on the next page
Table 3.1 Schedule B Mansya'ul Maarif PembelajaranKejar Package Day-time hours to Content Learning Tutor Wednesday 18:00 to 18:40 1. B. Indonesia Zumrotus. S, SS 18:40 to 19:20 2. B. Indonesia Zumrotus. S, SS 19:20 to 20:00 3. B. Indonesia Zumrotus. S, SS Break 20:00 to 20:15 20:15 to 20:55 4. Nurul.J religion, S.Ag 20:55 to 21:35 5. Nurul J. religion, S.Ag 21:35 to 22:15 6. B. J. Nurul area, S.Ag Friday 18:00 to 18:40 1. Civics Astatik, S.Ag 18:40 to 19:20 2. Civics Astatik, S.Ag 19:20 to 20:00 3. IPS Yeni E., SE Break 20:00 to 20:15 20:15 to 20:55 4. IPS Yeni E., SE 20:55 to 21:35 5. IPA Afandi, S.Pd 21:35 to 22:15 6. IPA Afandi, S.Pd Saturday 18:00 to 18:40 1. ISMI skills Latifah 18:40 to 19:20 2. ISMI skills Latifah 19:20 to 20:00 3. ISMI skills Latifah 20:00 to 20:15 4. ISMI skills Latifah Sunday 18:00 to 18:40 1. B. British Astatik, S.Ag 18:40 to 19:20 2. B. British Astatik, S.Ag 19:20 to 20:00 3. B. British Astatik, S.Ag Break 20:00 to 20:15 20:15 to 20:55 4. Lailatul Nur math. Q, S.Pd 20:55 to 21:35 5. Lailatul Nur math. Q, S.Pd 21:35 to 22:15 6. Lailatul Nur math. Q, S.Pd

Table 3.2 Schedule Learning at Home *) in the Apply Theme-Based Learning method "Utilizing TV Ad Impressions" Day Time Topic / name of the product being advertised skill aspect phrase / Learned to memorize sentences and known meaning and sentence patterns / frasenya Specification
Monday (one hour) Appropriate time watching TV WB 1.Pampers ((Figure 2.10) . 2.Softener so klin (figure 2.12) Listening and talking / mimicking Pharase: adjective + noun baby 2.micro perfume
WB implement these activities on the sidelines watching TV core 1. Pampers 2. Softener so klin Reading and writing Tuesday (one hour) Appropriate time watching TV WB 1. Promag (figure 2.6)
2. shampoo NR (Figure 2.8) Listening and talking / mimicking How to make sentences: Using verbs to be or 1.One is enough 2.go to go green NR WB to implement these activities on the sidelines watching TV core 1. Promag 2. shampoo NR Reading and writing *) This schedule one example schedule for WB and apply also when face-to-face in classroom H. The Things You Need Prepared Citizen Learn When following English language learning with this method there are some things that need to be prepared by the learners
Table 3.3 kebutiuhan learning No.. NamaAlat / Ingredients / Method Books Used to acquire Time / Place of Usage 1. 1 English dictionary. buy Tools of learning in class and at home 2. borrow from members of the public who attended the formal education 3. borrow at the library foundation / organizer 2. TV 1. Sources and watching at home studying media at home 2. watching at home relatives / friends 3. From the organizers stationery 1.Mendaftar sentence / word 2.Dijadikan referral after receiving materials from the tutor in class and at home

I. Methods Classroom Learning a. Competency Standards Listening and speaking Understand and express meaning in oral functional text and short monologue is very simple to interact and understand the dynamics of real life.
b. Basic Competency 1. Responding to the meaning contained in simple short monologue text accurately and smoothly thanks to interact and understand the dynamics of real life. 2. Express the meaning in a very simple short monologue using a variety of spoken language accurately, fluently, and thankful to interact and understand the dynamics of real life.
c. Indicator 1. Respond to information in the text spoken monologue role in TV commercials. 2. Analyze the linguistic characteristics of tayaangan commercials and heard. 3. Determine the communicative function of the text that is watched and heard.
d. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson the learners can 1. Respond to information in the text spoken monologue role in TV commercials 2. Determine the linguistic characteristics of tayaangan commercials and heard 3. Determine the communicative function of the text that is watched and heard
e. Learning Materials Pharase adjective + noun Pampers ads and softener so klin

f. Supporting Learning Methods Lecture VCD playback recording Group work
g. Step-by-step learning Meeting I 1.Kegiatan early a. Appersepsi: WB asked about adjectives b. Motivate: TV commercials show about adjectives c. Delivering learning objectives 2.kegiatan core a. Explanation tutor about Pharase: adjectives + noun b. Watching TV commercials through recording VCD c. Discuss the vocabulary in the text d. Form a group for. discussion of Pharase that aired on TV ads. 3.Penutup a. discussion of Pharase that aired on TV ads b. concludes material

II meeting 1. Initial activities 1. Appersepsi: WB asked about his observations after watching the commercials that relate to the material previously 2. Motivate: WB asks one ad mentions a different impression of the proposed tutor but still on the same material 3. Delivering learning objectives 2. Core activities 1. Presentation of materials per group Pharase adjective + noun 2. Explanation of the same material on the book module 3. Cover Concludes material
h. Follow-up Plan Given the task of watching TV with the same material but in reading and writing competence
i. Methods Classroom Learning To facilitate the tutor to apply this method, the following is an example of lesson plan on listening and speaking competence
j. Equipment / materials / resources Equipment / materials: TV
Learning resources: - Module English for Package B - English Dictionary TV-Ad Impressions

k. Appraisal a. Assessment process in group work b. Performance appraisal form of the work group
Table 3.4 Assessment Criteria Group Presentation Revealed Pampers Ad Impressions and So Klin Softener No.. Multiple Indicator Indicator Description Artpaper score In Pensekoran 1 2 3 4 1.Menyatakan vocabulary / sentences a. corresponding impressions: 25 b.kurang appropriate: 20 c. not appropriate: 10
2. Pronunciation a. Right: 25 b. Less precise: 20 c. Not exactly: 10
3.Tata language True: 25 Less true: 20 Not true: 10
4.Pemahaman on ads Good: 25 Enough: 20 Less: 10

CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND IMPACTS A. Result Of learning that have been described in the previous chapter hasill obtained from 5 groups that have been formed are as follows.
Table 4.1

Results Assessment Group Presentation Unveils Pampers Ad Impressions and So Klin Softener
No.. Multiple Indicator Total score 1 2 3 4 1. I 20 10 20 25 75 2. II 10 10 20 25 65 3 III 10 20 10 20 60 4. IV 10 10 10 25 55 5. V 10 20 20 25 75
Description of the indicator 1. States vocabulary / sentences
corresponding impressions: 25
less appropriate: 20
not appropriate: 10

2. Pronunciation Right: 25 Less precise: 20 Not exactly: 10
3. Grammar True: 25 Less true: 20 Not true: 10

4. Understanding of advertising Good: 25
Enough: 20
Less: 10

Explanation of scoring: Maximum score: 25 X 4 = indicator value of 100 Minimum score: 10 X 4 = indicator value of 40 Median: the value of the maximum + minimum value 2 : 100 + 40 = 70 2 Scoring range of achievement 100-91 = excellent 90-86 = good 85-71 = fairly 70-56 = less 55-40 = very less
Tutors provide a minimum score for each indicator with the number 10 with the prediction that the WB has been doing / performing the task (affective value)

Table 4.1Daftar Citizens Learning Package B No.. No name. Name 1 Ahmad Yani 28. Abdul Ghofur 2 Eko Widodo 29. Muhammad Nasrudin 3 Falichul Isbach 30. Tiyaswati 4 furyl Jannah 31. Muhammad Edi Slamet 5 Joko Rustantoyo 32. Efendi 6 Imam Shafi'i 33. PURWANTO password 7 Mohammed Kastaji 34. Uswatul Hasani 8 Mohammed Kasmuri 35. Mohammad Adib 9 M. Rudi Arifin 36. Solomon 10 Muhammad Yahya 37. Imam Bahrudin 11 Mohammad Rodi 38. Abdul Wahib 12 Siti Muajah 39. Agung Jaya Gumelar 13 Siti Solikatin 40. Afifah 14 Sandi Purwanto 41. Siti Uminarsih 15 Mega Andriyani 42. Nur Sulifah 16 Siti Mahmudah 43. Samsu Ma'Arif 17 Abd. Rohman 44. Khurrotin 18 Muhammad Habibullah 45. Mujiono 19 Herman 46 Santi Arisandi 20 Baba Prayitno 47. Imam Fadilillah 21 Siti Maf'ulah 48. Ahmad Anang Susanto 22 Syahidin 49. Usrotin 23 M. Sholeh 50. Khoirurrozikiin 24 Muhammad Ainul Rozaq 51. Muhammad irfak 25 Budiono 52. Muhammad Khoiri 26 Tajudin 53. Siti Aminah 27 Samson Anam 54. Fifi Indayani 55. M. Handoko Of all registered WB there are 60% who follow the method in B. Impact 1. Social Impact With the learning method as described previously, it appears the impact on the pattern of WB attitude toward TV commercials. At first they did not even care less attention to TV commercials, after the method is introduced to them, these ads become friends for their learning. It is expected that this method have an impact on the sensitivity of the information received good advertising, news and information that support the improvement of the material and immaterial WB
2. Environmental Impact With the implementation of this method also brings environmental impact. Namely: a) The emergence of peer tutors, the WB that can provide lessons on other WB or other community members about this entertainment-based learning b) Motivate WB to pay attention to all sorts of information from TV commercials to be taken as a learning material or learning method for improving the quality of their education c) In addition to those paying attention to TV commercials, they also have a sensitivity to the writing on the pack meal / snack
3. Economic Impact However the lack of supporting infrastructure of learning activities in the learning group B Package, to learn English; may be with this method does not require facilities to meet the standards, because of the use of TV ads mewakilii enough laboratory unit requirement. Impact that can be felt by the WB is the perceived usefulness of this method, which they understand a foreign language (English) in the business world. So that they can follow the development of business information, which of course it can not be done by revolution but by evolution (gradual) which can also be applied to other TV shows, such as news and entertainment. 4. Impact Benefit Of course this method contribute benefits to learning English, because it is effective and inexpensive method that anyone can implement it either tutor, WB, and other community members. WB and the public can obtain learning materials are received in a relaxed way (because watching TV is usually done at the time).

A. Conclusion From the description of the previous chapters can be concluded that: 1. Utilization of TV commercials as entertainment-based learning method can be done in group learning Package B, because in it there is the potential that supports the existence of language learning 2. To implement the methods necessary equipment, instructional materials and implementation plan (RPP). 3. With the implementation of this entertainment-based learning method to bring the social, environmental, economic, and impact of expediency.
B. Suggestion With regard to the preparation of this idea pembelajran method, there are some suggestions submitted by the author, among other things: 1. This method is still far from the perfection of which still produce a VCD recording of images and sounds that are less obvious, it is caused due to lack of recording equipment 2. This method requires patience and thoroughness in preparing a series of tutor learning related to ad impressions. Because even though this entertainment based but still necessary rules that support the goals of education 3. This method is expected to form part of the motivational techniques by tutors given to WB, so the WB is more spirit in carrying out learning activities in Kejarnya 4. When this method is applied, is still as enrichment materials for learning English, would require the attention of the parties concerned with the education sector, so that it can be applied with proper planning and execution.

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